




The Pipeline from Computing Research to Surprising Inventions

One of the most exciting aspects of computer science is that the results of basic research so often end up being applied in completely unexpected ways. At Microsoft Research, we actively seek out these surprising outcomes, by building a pipeline that connects long-term, blue-sky research to technological innovations. This talk will illustrate the power of this pipeline by delving into the details of several research projects.

Peter Lee



Butler W. Lampson

Personal Control of Digital Data

People around the world are concerned that more and more of their personal data is on the Internet, where it's easy to find, copy, and link up with other data. What people most often want is a sense of control over their data. Many people feel that this control is a fundamental human right, or an essential part of your property rights to your data.
Regulators are starting to respond to these concerns. Because societies around the world have different cultural norms and governments have different priorities, there will not be a single worldwide regulatory regime. However, it does seem possible to have a single set of basic technical mechanisms that support regulation.



Michael Brady

Computing and Healthcare

Computing is already transforming healthcare; but the possibilities remain endless. Hospitals, entire communities are already networked, and Cloud will increasingly play a role, but there are major (legal) compliance issues with personal data. There is a continuing stream of technology innovations, from robotics to tablets, to mobile phones, and wearable devices. However, software is the key differentiator for technology that quickly becomes commodity. The key consideration is that doctors are drowning in data: what they need is information. To this end, some of main contributors have been: image and signal analysis; and AI and machine learning. Realizing the many opportunities in healthcare requires computing scientists to work in teams with physicists, chemists, and biologists. Relationships between clinicians, researchers, and industry are key.



Anil K. Jain

Biometrics - How Do I Know Who You Are

Many of the activities in our everyday life depend on an array of cards and passwords that we need to provide to confirm who we are. But lose a card, and your ATM will refuse to give you money. Forget a password, and your own computer may not let you login. Allow your card or passwords to fall into the wrong hands, and what were intended to be security measures can become the tools of fraud or result in loss of privacy. Biometrics — the automated recognition of people via distinctive anatomical and behavioral traits (e.g., fingerprint, face, iris, gait) — has the potential to overcome many of these problems with cards and passwords. This talk will introduce the origins of biometric recognition, a snapshot of state of the art capabilities, and opportunities and challenges for research in this exciting technology that is permeating our society.



Computing the Universe

Computer science has gone far beyond its traditional role of solving real world problems by computer. Over the last 80 years, computer scientists have developed a novel, algorithmic way of understanding the capabilities and limitations of computers that has proven valuable to contemplating important and deep problems in the sciences. This talk will review how recent computational insights have changed the way we think about the quantum nature of the universe, the puzzle of phase transitions, the prediction of rational behavior in economics, and even the Darwinian evolution of a species.

Christos H. Papadimitriou




Do More, Know More, and Be More through Computational Living

Computers have become pervasive throughout our daily lives. From the use of computing for communication, work, and entertainment to the use of computing in specific domains such as education and health, computing has become more important as tools and assistants to help us to do more, know more, and be more. In this talk, I will present example research projects from MSR Asia which show how our lives are becoming intertwined with the use of computing.