ACE Talk 特邀斯坦福大学助理教授杨笛一,分享自然语言处理中的社会责任研究

2023-08-17 | 作者:微软亚洲研究院

微软亚洲研究院 ACE Talk 系列讲座旨在邀请杰出的学术新星分享科研成果,为学生与研究员提供相互交流学习与洞悉前沿动态的平台。

第六期 ACE Talk,我们特别邀请到来自斯坦福大学计算机科学系助理教授杨笛一为我们带来以“Challenges and Progress towards Socially Responsible NLP”为主题的报告,介绍她在语言偏见、模型表现与零样本大模型等研究工作中的发现与成果。本次学术分享由微软亚洲研究院高级研究员王晋东主持。欢迎大家报名!





时间:8 月 25 日(周五)10:00-11:30



• 嘉宾报告(10:00-11:00)

• Q&A(11:00-11:30)




欢迎扫描下方二维码填写报名问卷,报名成功后将收到邮件通知,邮件中将提供讲座 Teams 线上会议链接。

报名截止时间:8 月 22 日(周二)24:00





Diyi Yang is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University, also affiliated with the NLP Group, HCI Group, Stanford AI Lab (SAIL), and Stanford Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI). Her research goal is to understand the social aspects of language and build socially responsible NLP systems for social impact. Her work has received multiple best paper nominations or awards at top NLP and HCI conferences (e.g., ACL, EMNLP, SIGCHI, and CSCW). She is a recipient of IEEE “AI 10 to Watch” (2020), the Intel Rising Star Faculty Award (2021), the Samsung AI Researcher of the Year (2021), the Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship (2021), and the NSF CAREER Award (2022).




Challenges and Progress towards Socially Responsible NLP

Despite the remarkable performance of NLP these days, current systems often ignore the social part of language, e.g., who says it, or what goals, and with what social implications, all of which severely limit the functionality of these applications and the growth of the field. This episode of the ACE Talk Series will discuss some of Professor Yang’s recent efforts towards socially responsible NLP via two studies. The first part looks at linguistic prejudice with a participatory design approach to develop dialect-inclusive language tools for low-resourced language and dialects. The second one examines opportunities and risks associated with zero-shot reasoning in large language models by looking at the performance of 13 language models on 24 representative benchmarks for social understanding. Professor Yang will conclude her presentation by discussing the challenges and hidden risks of building socially responsible NLP systems.





Dr. Jindong Wang is currently a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research Asia. He obtained his Ph.D from Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2019. He visited Qiang Yang’s group at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2018. His research interest includes robust machine learning, transfer learning, semi-supervised learning, and federated learning. He published over 40 papers with 6000 citations at leading conferences and journals such as ICLR, NeurIPS, CVPR, IJCAI, UbiComp, ACMMM, TKDE, TASLP etc. He served as the senior program committee member of IJCAI and AAAI, and PC members for other conferences like ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, CVPR etc. He opensourced several projects to help build a better community, such as transferlearning, torchSSL, USB, personalizedFL, and robustlearn, which received over 11K stars on Github. He published a textbook called Introduction to Transfer Learning in 2021 to help starters quickly learn transfer learning.



关于ACE Talk


ACE Talk(Advance, Creativity and Empowerment)是由微软亚洲研究院举办的系列讲座,旨在邀请杰出的学术新星分享科研成果,为学生与研究员提供相互交流学习与洞悉前沿动态的平台。

ACE Talk Series 于2023年3月开启,迄今已成功邀请哥伦比亚大学博士钟宇宏、杜克大学助理教授 Neil Gong、香港大学助理教授余涛、南加州大学助理教授赵洁玉、麻省理工学院副教授韩松等嘉宾,分享内容涉及高速存储数据路径、大模型安全问题、自然语言界面等主题,参与人数达五百余名。未来 ACE Talk 还将继续专注于前沿研究分享,为更多领域内研究者提供多元互通的学术交流空间。
