


  • 招聘人数: 2-4
  • 工作地点: 北京、上海


计算机系统是当前人工智能时代的核心推动力量。微软亚洲研究院系统组在计算机系统方向开展基础和应用研究, 旨在推动计算机系统技术产生突破性进展。研究院系统团队长期致力于高水平的系统研究,在系统及相关领域的顶级会议上,例如OSDI2020、EuroSys2008/2012、MobiSys2021、SenSys2022、ICSE2013/2020、MICRO2022和NeurIPS2022,赢了包括best paper、distinguished paper和test-of-time paper在内的顶尖研究奖项。相关的许多研究成果已应用于微软的产品中,包括Azure、Office和Bing。系统组还与世界各地的研究机构保持着长期合作,同时也是ChinaSys这一中国计算机系统研究社区的创始成员。


  • 人工智能应用及其支撑系统
  • 智能时代的数据库及存储系统
  • 智能时代的隐私和/或可验证计算
  • 新一代计算及网络软硬件体系架构
  • 新一代智能系统的开发调试工具
  • 以上未提到的系统研究课题




  • 定义和完成一个新的研究课题
  • 与研究员和其他实习生合作完成一个研究课题
  • 设计和实现系统代码
  • 对已有的系统代码进行理解和改进
  • 完成研究并总结成科研论文


  • 教育背景:CS, EE, Mathematics 以及相关背景的在读本科、硕士和博士研究生
  • 系统知识基础:操作系统、分布式系统、编程语言、存储系统、数据库、硬件等
  • 编程能力:扎实的C/C++编程能力,了解 Python / Rust / Java / JavaScript
  • 良好的沟通和团队合作能力
  • 熟悉Windows以及Linux操作系统
  • 加分项:熟悉PyTorch等深度学习框架,熟悉FPGA、GPU等异构硬件编程



请务必下载并填写申请表(申请表链接:https://www.msra.cn/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/internship_application_form.xlsx)并将其与完整的中英文简历(PDF/Word形式)一同发送至: MSRAih@microsoft.com 或 msra dash srg dash hire AT microsoft dot com,邮件标题中注明:系统组研究实习生



Position Title: Research Intern for Systems Research Group (SRG)
Job Type: Full-time Intern
Number of Openings: 2-4
Location: Beijing/Shanghai

Group Introduction:
The Systems Research Group (SRG) at Microsoft Research Asia is dedicated to conducting foundational and applied research in the field of computer systems. The SRG team focuses on driving breakthrough advancements in computer systems, with a commitment to high-caliber research that has earned prestigious awards such as Best Paper, Distinguished Paper, and Test-of-Time Paper at leading conferences including OSDI, NSDI, EuroSys, MobiSys, SenSys, ICSE, MICRO, and NeurIPS. Many of these research achievements have been integrated into Microsoft products like Azure, M365, and Bing. The SRG also maintains long-term collaborations with global research institutions and is a founding member of ChinaSys, a community promoting systems research in China.

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Participate in research projects in various ways, including defining and driving new research topics.
  2. Collaborate with researchers and other interns on research projects.
  3. Design and implement new systems to solve real-world problems and improve performance.
  4. Understand and improve existing systems, conduct data analysis, model optimization, and deployment to enhance application effectiveness and stability.
  5. Write scientific papers and improve existing code to optimize performance.


  1. Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Electronic Engineering, or other related fields.
  2. Solid foundation in data structures, algorithms, operating systems, distributed systems, programming languages, storage systems, databases, and hardware.
  3. Excellent programming skills in C/C++, with familiarity in Python, Rust, Java, or JavaScript.
  4. Familiarity with Windows and Linux operating systems.
  5. Bonus: Familiarity with deep learning frameworks like PyTorch and heterogeneous hardware programming such as FPGA, GPU.
  6. Strong communication skills, team collaboration spirit, and proficiency in English as a working language.
  7. Written consent from your academic advisor.

Internship Duration Requirements:
Must obtain permission from your academic advisor and commit to at least three months of internship, with preference for those who can intern full-time for more than six months.

Please be sure to download and complete the application form (Application form link: https://aka.ms/InternApplication) and send it along with a complete English and Chinese resume (in PDF/Word format) to: MSRAih@microsoft.com & msra-srg-hire@microsoft.com. Please include "Research Intern for Systems Research Group" in the email subject line.

To learn more about the “Stars of Tomorrow Internship Program,” please visit: https://www.msra.cn/zh-cn/connections/academic-programs/tomorrowstars